Cool, even better than before :D
Cool, even better than before :D
Thanks, I am happier with this version than the previous.
Awesome. seems to be bit inspired by your song Fractal
Same flute, I suppose. All of my stuff is pretty similar though.
Quite good loop. Also, fine seemless loop, and that for a real instrument recorded with a microphone.
Thanks! I think I was playing a bit too fast, though, making it feel rushed.
I spent probably an hour fiddling with the loop point trying to make it smooth.
Very sweet. In my opinion one of the best songs of MJ, and one of the sweetest covers I ever heard.
Cool, awesome. But is this House or Dance? I think it's both.
Lovin' it too. It has some kind of dark atmosphere.
Well durr its for a villian lol.
Joined on 4/4/12